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Please see our Studio Policy and FAQs for a comprehensive overview of our unique program.


Monday, Jan 20: Spring Semester begins!

Saturday, Feb 8: Performance Classes 10 to 11 o’clock and 11 to noon. Let us know!

As always, please contact us if you have any questions!

Just a reminder—our “Little” Library is located on our property at the end of Ascott Lane. Please freely take and/or add books!

Molly's Schedule | Charles' Schedule | Studio Calendar

Molly and Charles

Click here if you ever have any questions about our schedule.

Check our online Calendar for exact dates.

Online Lessons 

We are happy to accommodate anyone who would like an online lesson for any reason. Just give some lead time so we can gather materials together.

We appreciate your consideration of us and others! 

Thoughts, questions or concerns? Let us know!

Molly and Charles


We are fully opened for in-person lessons.

We are completely vaccinated and are heartened that the Covid 19 numbers are reducing and vaccinated numbers are increasing in our area.

If you prefer to continue online lessons, we are fine with that.

If you prefer masks to be worn during lessons, we are fine with that. Just let us know.

We have installed HEPA air filter systems in both studios and are providing hand sanitizer and wiping down of frequently-touched surfaces. Let common sense rule—if the student or someone in the household isn’t well, please stay home. We can provide a make up lesson (see Studio Policy) or even set up an online lesson.

Will Online Piano Lessons Really Work for Me or My Child? by Wendy Stevens

Molly's Schedule | Charles' Schedule | Studio Calendar

Studio Policy | Adult Studio Policy | FAQs

Click here to order from Piano Safari

We have some exciting news!
Charles’ new set of pieces, called The Kitchen Suite
has been published by Piano Safari and is now available throughout the US, the UK,
Europe and Australia! It is available in print,
on Kindle and through SuperScope.
Other compositions by Charles Stier.

Ordering Music Online:

Many of you have received links from me for music to order. I do not have a preference for where you order music, but CVM does have an educator’s account with

If you choose to order through them, click on this logo. CVM will receive a modest rebate for each order:


Guitar Fundamentals Video Lessons

Student Referrals

We currently have students from Washington DC to Long Island, NY to St. Louis, Missouri! If you know of anyone who might like to join our studio—of any age or geographical location, please reach out with our contact information.